Installing Piers
Foreman,Johnny, installing a push pier in front of the home.

Cutting Concrete
Crew members, Logan and David, cut concrete in garage in preparation to install a pier.

Back Yard Pier
Pier installed in back yard of home.

Before: Front Yard Piers
Piers installed in front of house.

After: Front Yard Piers Backfilled
Piers in front yard are backfilled after passing inspection.

Before: Tripping Hazard
Unlevel concrete in back yard causing a tripping hazard.

During: Preparing Concrete Area for Lifting
Injector port is installed to direct PolyLevel solution under concrete to be lifted.

After: Tripping Hazard Removed
Concrete area is lifted to remove tripping hazard.

Foundation Repair of CA Trailer
Company trailer with supplies in front of home.

Piers ready to be installed at jobsite.